Rights Respecting Schools

Ferintosh and Mulbuie

We have begun our journey to becoming Rights Respecting Schools and have achieved the BRONZE: RIGHTS COMMITTED status . This was awarded to Ferintosh and Mulbuie in May 2023.

We have completed a variety of activities so far, for example, developed a pupil steering group, introduced the children's rights to lessons and informed the local community that we intend to become 'Rights Respecting'.

We will keep you updated on our progress throughout and don't forget to ask your child about the work we are doing in school!


A guide to your Rights- for children and young people

Calendar of Rights.pdf

Article of the Fortnight

Our Journey so far... 

June 2023

Rights Respecting leaflet_1.pdf

(This booklet can be printed or copies are available from the school office)

Bronze - Rights Committed

 Achieved  (May 2023)